November: Radio 2, Radio Glos and Corinium Radio
I’ve rather neglected my blog for almost a month. Bad form! I’ve been extremely busy elsewhere though.
I’ve rather neglected my blog for almost a month. Bad form! I’ve been extremely busy elsewhere though.
As the time to go back to uni approaches, I’ve spent the afternoon editing the radio documentary that I’m making about the Cirencester Charter Market.
Last week the A level results came out, and thousands of students across the UK found out whether they had done well enough to get in to their chosen university course or job.
Its been an interesting week this week – the February half term, meaning I had a week off college.
My local BBC Radio station (BBC Radio Gloucestershire), has now launched its Facebook page. Become a fan at
For one night only, BBC Points West weather forecaster Ian Fergusson left his weather map behind and went on a journey through the wet, the windy, the sunny, the stormy and the snowiest parts of the West.
Today I have been on a tour of the BBC Radio Gloucestershire studios, located on London Road in Gloucestershire.
Next weekend (September 9 to September 12), there will be a number of open days running as part of the City of Gloucester Heritage Open Days weekend.
Several topics today including politics, time zones, Harry Potter and changes at a local radio station.
If you recieve BBC Points West via your analogue television, then the digital switchover for you is now only 6 days away.