A Level Results: I’m Off To Uni
Last week the A level results came out, and thousands of students across the UK found out whether they had done well enough to get in to their chosen university course or job.
Last week the A level results came out, and thousands of students across the UK found out whether they had done well enough to get in to their chosen university course or job.
At GCSE, learning German Vokabeln was easy – I used to record the words into my computer, and put the recordings onto my MP3 player. I stopped doing it soon after… but now, at German A2 level, I’m finding vokabeln… Continue reading
Well… Cirencester College says that term officially finishes this Wednesday.
Monday was the first day back in college after the very long summer holiday. I am now in the second year, working towards my A2 levels.
As part of the BTEC National Award in Music Technology I’m doing at college, this week I’ve been looking at dub music (leaving the rest of the class to finish off the coursework they should have done ages ago).
Last week, I wrote about how the exams were just about to start.
We have once again reached that time of year when students all over the world are preparing for their exams.
The first of 5 exams which will make up my AS levels is now complete. Today, it was my German AS oral exam.
Currently we’re studying coasts in Geography, ready for our exam which will be in May. As part of this, yesterday we went down to Dorset for the day.
This week, I got the result for the Geography exam, which I sat in January.