We have once again reached that time of year when students all over the world are preparing for their exams.
Only this time last year, I was writing about how 19 GCSE exams were just around the corner. However, whilst I do have exams this year, I have nowhere near 19 seperate exams. Neither will the exam season last for a whole month.
My first of four exams – ICT – will be this coming Tuesday 18 May. There will be a further 2 on Friday 21 May. Both of them at 0900. What that basically means is that I do one in the morning, one in the afternoon and I’ll be locked away in prison have a supervised lunch break between. My last exam – a Geography resit – will be on Tuesday 25 May.
Lots of work to do in preperation – revising German word endings… all the grammar… as far as I’m concerned as long as something sounds right, then it is right.
But at least there’s the radio broadcast to look forward to in July!