A Family Birthday

A Family BirthdayIt gets very confusing for me at this time of the year with family birthdays – my Dad, his 2 sisters, their parents (my grandparents) and my sister all have their birthdays within 1 month of each other!

Yesterday was the first Hart birthday – Dad’s. Usually, I record a sort of radio show, using his favourite music, and burn it to CD for his birthday. However, at Christmas I was given a DVD burner which plugs into my computer, enabling me to make DVDs.

I decided to use it this year, to make a DVD containing video clips and photos from recent holidays in Sivota (Σύβοτα) and Kalymnos (Κάλυμνος). I added some of his favourite and used it alongside the soundtrack from the video clips, as well as some Greek music (but not the famous ‘Zorba the Greek’ type stuff, which most people automatically think of when they hear the phrase “Greek music”).

In total, the DVD lasted 21 minutes… there was actually room for a few more hundred minutes on the disk, but its pointless filling all that space up if there’s nothing to fill it with…

It took me just 0ver a week to make the DVD, which I played to Dad after he returned from work yesterday evening. Afterwards, we took him out to dinner at a local pub: The Oddfellows Arms in Cirencester.

The photo used was created by Flickr member Alin S and has been used under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Fred Hart

Stock Controller and Radio Presenter/Producer

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