Another weekend of Corinium Radio programmes is over. Its amazing to think that the station has now been on air for 7 weekends in the last 3 years! It’ll only be another 2 years before the station celebrates its 10th broadcast, and I’d like to see some big (for Cirencester) celebrations for that.
Since May 2006, Corinium Radio has been on air for a total of 20 days. That may not sound a lot but in many team members have learnt a lot about broadcasting in that time. Corinium Radio is still a very young station so you can’t expect anything broadcast to be perfect…
Take a look that this weekend: new technology was tried out. It worked most of the time, but there were still bits that didn’t work so well. In the last broadcast, mistakes were made by some people meaning that CDs didn’t work, and the time before about 99% of messages sent between the studio and reception on the internal LAN Chat software were completely irrelevant! If I’ve learnt anything in the last 3 years, its that we’re not making the same mistakes!
So with another broadcast now over, we are left with the question as to where we go from here. Last night, the AGM was “suspended” so that discussions could be held regarding changes to the constitution. The team is now much bigger that it was when the constitution was written in June/July 2006 and it is no longer feasable to have meetings of the whole group. One possibility is to have a “core team” who oversee lots of smaller groups; one responsible for fundraising, one for publicity and one for technical (etc).
If you are someone from the Cirencester area and have something to say on how Corinium Radio should move forward then the station needs you! Visit the website ( to contact the station and send us your views.
The image used is the Corinium Radio logo, created by Cotswold District Council in May 2006.