Final Month

Just 4 weeks remain of my time in my student house in Cheltenham, before I move all my stuff back to Cirencester, then take half of it to Greece with me.

I’ve got a prepaid Euro debit card thing now…that’ll save on hidden transaction costs. I’ve also purchased my train tickets from TrainΟΣΕ, and ferry tickets from Blue Star Ferries & Hellenic Seaways. The train tickets have been printed. I collect the ferry tickets from tourist offices in Athens and Ermoupoli prior to my journeys.

Take a look at my ‘Grand Tour of Greece’ blog, which I’ve posted a couple of things to now. It’s (or the same thing in Greek at

The final day of Wychwood on Sunday was very enjoyable; after waking up at 4am to have breakfast, my housemate Jack and I got a taxi in to the racecourse less than an hour later, and went on air at 06:30 – him as presenter, me as newsreader. After a two hour break after the Breakfast Show, I was on air for the final time during my university career with co-presenter Dan and producer Tom. My highlight of the evening was going to see the Boomtown Rats on the main stage; brilliant stuff!

I gave letters to some of the 3rd year radio lot too, printed from the computer then signed by hand. I know some of them got very emotional reading their letters. I’m going to miss them all when the time comes to leave Cheltenham for the final time; I consider them all to be very close friends. The only people I am closer to are my immediate family. It’s just taken me from starting uni in 2011, until about April this year to come out of my shell enough realise it.

I’m off home tomorrow for a Corinium Radio meeting (still need to hand over the website etc) and for a Greek lesson in the evening. I feel I should make the effort to get in a lesson or two before I leave the country.

It’s getting late, and I think the next film in the radio students’ film night might not be as acceptable as the first…

Good night.


Fred Hart

Stock Controller and Radio Presenter/Producer

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