September! And the Weather Improves…

It happens every year – the weather improves just as the schools go back.

But for me, I’m still on Summer holidays for now. So I was able to get out in to the garden on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. We even had a BBQ last night – perhaps the last one of 2012?

Last year was exactly the same – it rained a lot in July/August, and there was a week in October when it was hot and sunny for a few days… I can remember that because it was the 2nd/3rd week of term at uni and I sat outside next to the lake rather a lot – it was the only place on the campus I could get a signal for my mobile phone, and I could just about pick up the wifi from there too!

In 2 weeks time I go back to university for my second year. I’m looking forward to getting back in to doing radio on an almost daily basis. My accommodation is sorted – I can move in any time I want (I’ll probably take a few things in to Cheltenham the week before and then move in properly on the first day of term, before my first lecture).

I got my timetable the other week…that doesn’t look too bad. There’ll be lots of things I get to do this year which I’ve never really done before – radio drama, radio magazine and there’s even a whole module about interviewing. That’ll be interesting. At the moment I can only thing of one question – “Hello. What’s your name?” Not very interesting at all – I usually rely on Mum to suggest some questions for me when I’m recording things for Corinium Radio (does that make her my producer?)!

Until I go back to university however, now that my sister is back at school, I am ordered several times a week to check her German homework. Now here I should point out that Corrie only takes my advise if it is what she wants to hear. I think she changed some things, but ignored most of what I suggested. Probably a good thing, because my Greek is 100 times better than my German anyway.

Now… I’m off to go and show Mum how to work her new car (never thought you’d hear me saying that, would you)!?

I’ll write again soon,


Fred Hart

Stock Controller and Radio Presenter/Producer

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