Since 2006 the final weekend in November has marked the Autumn/Winter broadcast of my local community radio station, Corinium Radio, which I have been a part of since it launched in early 2006.
2011 was no different – we did our 11th broadcast last weekend!
The only difference was that this time round, we only did two days instead of the usual four: that’s mainly because we’ve been trying out a new management structure – instead of having full committee meetings, we’ve split in to smaller groups, with one responsible for technical stuff, one responsible for finding money, one responsible for telling people about us, and one responsible for putting together the schedule).
As chair of the Technical Committee, have been running meetings fortnightly to get the tech side of things running well. I think we worked quite efficiently, though there are still things which could be improved. Hopefully these should get sorted in the run up to the July 2012 broadcast, as we’ve got used to working under the new management structure.
The broadcast itself went quite well, despite the fact that the Internet broadcasting didn’t get going until 15:00 on Saturday.
I didn’t do as much broadcasting myself as I usually do though, because I’ve been at uni most of the time since then. Though I did put together the overnight shows (as usual), operate the desk on Saturday night/Sunday morning, do a little bit of editing on Saturday lunchtime (two whole programmes to be broadcast later that day), and present two live shows on Sunday.
Hopefully in July I can get back to my usual Corinium Radio load of work, because whilst I enjoy doing my weekly shows on Tone, nothing beats the excitement of being one of the small group of people running an entire radio station which broadcasts to my home town.
Now… I’m off to sort out recordings of programmes to go on our website.