I have just read on the BBC Press Office website about the latest change to Radio 2‘s schedule.
This year, its weekday evenings which are being refreshed. In particular, Tuesday and Friday evenings.
From April 2010, Desmond Carrington will leave his current Tuesday evening slot and move to Friday evenings, broadcasting from 7-8pm. This will then lead in to the new, extended Friday Night is Music Night, which will broadcast until 10pm.
On Tuesday evenings, Jamie Cullum will present a brand new jazz show, featuring guest interviews, live performances and news from the UK/worldwide jazz world.
When I was asked to introduce a record programme in 1981, the contract was for three months. With one or two changes, the latest being the move to Friday evenings at 7pm just after Easter – that three months will soon be 30 years! Thank you, Radio 2, for keeping me young.
It’s an extraordinary privilege to be able to present an hour of jazz and jazz-related music at such a civilised hour. We’re going to present a show that will excite people’s ears and bring them into a scene they may not know about.
Read the full story on the BBC Press Office Website, and leave your comments below.