The End of My First Week

So its the end of my first week at college, and I’m starting to get used to things a bit more now. I think the best thing is that I’m only doing subjects that I want to do.

I have 5 hours each week of Music Technology… and I’ve had to find my way round a Mac! I’ve only ever used Windows XP before, but being able to find your way round other operating systems which you don’t necessarily use is a skill in itself

My first IT piece of coursework will be about the impact of IT on society; I’ll use my own personal knowledge and report on how my use of IT is different to what my parents’ (and grandparents’) experience would have been… basically.

I’ve found it hard to get used to the German (a massive jump between GCSE and AS level), but it has got easier as the week has gone on. I will also be taking part in the exchange with Itzehoe, Cirencester’s twin town in Germany. Last time I went to Itzehoe was in April 2008 (before I had this blog) – nearly 16 months ago!

The first topic we’re doing in geography is a bit boring… population. I’m a “physical” geographer! Unfortunatley, my favourite topic (coasts) won’t come up until the Summer. For those who aren’t geographers at all, a physical geographer prefers topics such as coasts, whilsts a human geographer would enjoy the current population topic.

Finally, I have 2 hours a week of journalism. My teacher is actually from industry, having been involved in local radio for a number of years. Whilst the journalism course isn’t specifically aimed at people interested in radio, there is a lot of emphasis on the legal side of working in any part of the media – TV, radio and newspapers. Knowledge of the laws involved is very important if you want to get a job in newspapers, television or radio.

So… that gives you an idea of what I will be doing for at least the next year. 🙂

Fred Hart

Stock Controller and Radio Presenter/Producer

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