The German Speaking Exam

The German speaking exam is over now! I never have to speak German again in my life…

Although I probably will, if I get a grade B and do German at the college!

I went into the SDR (holding room) to do some revision 60 minutes before the exam and revised ‘Die Umwelt’ (the environment). I was still hesitating every few sentences, something that shouldn’t be done in speaking exams.

The role play I was given was role play 8:

You are talking on the phone to your German friend about his/her trip to England this summer, what you are going to do and your plans for the future.

Easy! The first thing I had to do was say what we were going to do, so I said that we’d go to the cinema and play football. Next, I had to say what I’m going to do next school year. I said that I was going to study Geography and German because they’re easy. Then: was I planning to go to university. I said that I didn’t want to go, because it was too expensive. Less than 24 hours later, and I’ve already forgotten what the unpredictable element was.

I then did the presentation, and the questions attached to it. That went well.

After that, the topic questions. I first got asked on school, and on the question about work experience I said something like:

I worked in an office, where I had to answer the phone. That wasn’t good because I don’t like talking to other people.

I then got asked on leisure, in particular I was asked about books and music. I said that I liked reading small books because they were easier. Then I was asked what the last book I read was, and I said the first thing that came into my head: Harry Potter. Not exactly small then.

I was also asked what I was like when I was younger. The result was a complete lie – something like:

When I was younger I was sporty, and I played football every week. Now I am not sporty, I find sport dangerous.

The final topic was tourism: I spoke about where I go on holiday (Greece), and was also asked about tourism in Cirencester. I did say something slightly odd here:

Cirencester doesn’t have enough tourists. I think there should be more because they have money.

I forgot that we are in the middle of a ‘Finanzkrise’ (German for financial crisis).

Overall, the exam went very well. Hopefully, the examiner will see how much effort I put in! I also didn’t hesitate!

Unfortunatley for me, I failed the challenge that Mrs. F (school librarian) set me: to get the word ‘Ausfahrt’ (motorway exit) into the exam, and my own challenge of getting the word ‘Schwarzwälderkirschtorte’ (black forest gateau) in as well.

Fred Hart

Stock Controller and Radio Presenter/Producer

One Comment

  1. At least you knew what you had said. That is the main thing 🙂

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