On the car stereo today: Smooth Country, BBC Radio Kent and a mixture of French commercial stations: RFM, RTL2, Nostalgie, Oui FM, RFM again. (DAB has yet to roll out across much of France so it is a case of finding the best FM signals!)
Finally after a 12 hour drive I can relax a bit. Today I’ve driven from Cirencester to the city of Orléans in Central France. I left at 3 this morning, and by dawn I was on the ferry from Dover to Calais.
From Calais, about 4 hours worth of driving (plus stops) lay ahead. The majority of this was simple (typical French Sunday motorways – very quiet) but getting round Paris was slow. I used the Boulevard Périphérique. Driving on the clockwise carriageway meant I was on the Périphérique intérieur (the inner ring). It’s pretty much the same as any other motorway, except that traffic joining has right of way.
I arrived about an hour and a half ago in Orléans, where I will stop for the night. Good timing too as the light was just started to fade, so I got all the driving done in daylight (once I got to Dover).
On to Lectoure tomorrow – In terms of mileage I’m more than half way. Under 600km to go now – Today I’ve driven a total of 730km.