Cheltenham Lit Fest 2013: Kate Adie and Christopher Meyer

Yesterday evening I was back at the Cheltenham Literature Festival to see the ‘World Outside My Window‘ event – Broadcaster Kate Adie and Christopher Meyer, former British Ambassador to the US.

All I can say is that it has been my favorite event so far this week! I am at risk of simply repeating everything they said here, so I’m just going to sum up in a few key paragraphs.

Kate Adie spoke about the challenges of reporting from warzones, with stories of drunks with guns – while Christopher Meyer spoke about how he started working in the Foreign Office, working in Russia… and some of the things he talked about sounded very familiar – they reminded me of Yes Prime Minister a bit!

There were some brilliant questions asked when it came to that too, such as how important it is to speak a language other than English in their careers, and someone asked about the strangest meal they had ever eaten.

If only the event had been 2 hours long – I’m sure it could easily have gone on for that long if time had allowed!

Three more events in my Lit Fest Diary this weekend – tomorrow evening a debate on Britain and the EU, then on Saturday afternoon David Davis, Alan Johnson, Polly Toynbee and Andrew Neil followed by the event I’ve been looking forward to all week: the BBC’s Political Editor, Nick Robinson.

I’ll write more about those events later in the week.

I must get back to work now. I’m writing this blog from the Tone Radio newsroom at uni – and I must start writing my 20:00 bulletin soon.

Bye for now.


Fred Hart

Stock Controller and Radio Presenter/Producer

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