So When Exactly Will I Be Back On Air?

Morning all,

Its supposed to be quite warm over the next few days – getting up to 22°c in London and the South East by Sunday. And in the South of the UK the good weather is set to continue into next week!

Last night saw the third and final Corinium Radio programming meeting before the schedule goes to press next week. I can now confirm exactly when my shows are, and what they’ll be about.

The Early Breakfast Show will be on air from 0500 to 0715 on Friday 2 July and Saturday 3 July, and 0600 to 0800 on Sunday 4 July. All three shows will have a mix of music, amongst clips from past Corinium Radio broadcasts.

Music from the Decades will be on air from 2100 to 2300 on Saturday 3 July. Luke and I will be playing tracks from the 1950s to today, along with chat and some interviews with Corinium Radio team members about their role in the station.

Finally, The Sunday Review will be on air from 1100 until 1130 on Sunday 4 July. This is my only live programme, which a review of the Sunday papers.

I will try and look at two broadsheets and two tabloids – probably The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Mail and The Sun (but it depends what’s available at the newsagents on the day). I will be joined by my special guest, Alex Tallon who will give his take on the day’s stories. There will be a couple of music tracks to give us time to think, change papers/pages – but mainly, its a general chat show.

So, to sum up… don’t forget to tune in to:

  • The Early Breakfast Show 02/07/10 0500 to 0715
  • The Early Breakfast Show 03/07/10 0500 to 0715
  • Music from the Decades 03/07/10 2100 to 2300
  • The Early Breakfast Show 04/07/10 0600 to 0800
  • The Sunday Review 04/07/10 1100 to 1130

More details later on the year.

Fred Hart

Stock Controller and Radio Presenter/Producer

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