Day Trip to London: Jacob Rees-Mogg and Brexit
During the week I spent an evening in London and went to see Jacob Rees-Mogg in conversation with Spectator editor Fraser Nelson at the London Palladium. Continue reading
During the week I spent an evening in London and went to see Jacob Rees-Mogg in conversation with Spectator editor Fraser Nelson at the London Palladium. Continue reading
Tomorrow is the big day: The Referendum on whether Britain leaves or remains in the European Union. I will be voting for us to leave. Continue reading
This time last year I was in Athens. One year ago today I visited the Acropolis and I went to the beach in Glyfada. When I see the images of Athens in the news and hear about it on the… Continue reading
Following that election, all I can say, is: I wasn’t expecting that. When I left work at 5 o’ clock on Thursday evening, I was expecting a hung Parliament, but had no clue who the perceived ‘winner’ would be. The… Continue reading
If you’re in to politics, have a listen to this documentary produced for Corinium Radio. Cirencester College students meet with Cotswolds MP Geoffrey Clifton-Brown to discuss the ‘Open Up’ report in to Digital Democracy.
Scotland has spoken. No is their answer. I didn’t really go to bed on Thursday night: On TV, I had BBC 1 on mute, while I listened to LBC’s coverage on the radio.
I had a last minute trip to London for a few days at the end of last week, having been invited to a job interview in the Houses of Parliament.
If you ever want something to do in London, I would highly recommend a guided tour of the Houses of Parliament.
I’ve spent most of the afternoon watching the repeat of the European election results show on BBC Parliament. I was left a bit disappointed by the result for this region. The Conservatives lost 1 of their seats; Gains for Labour… Continue reading
[ConservativeHome blogger Mark Wallace]: We now have most of the results from Thursday’s vote, so it’s time for a swift look at the implications for each of the main parties.