What a lovely weekend we’ve had. 2 warm Sunny afternoons during which I’ve managed to read a significant chunk of my current book The Apollo Murders by Chris Hadfield.
My Aunt visited Cirencester this week, on her way back to London from Wales. Tea & biscuits in the garden, and then a lovely meal at The Fleece Hotel in Cirencester town centre. I had a focaccia bread with oils to dip it in for a starter, followed by Gloucestershire old spot sausage & mash. Very filling!
Last weekend I really was the Crazy Cat Man, looking after my friend Anne-Marie’s cats (plus guinea pigs & rabbit) while they were away. It made my week being asked (and trusted) to do so!
I took my book with me and would sit and read for half an hour each morning & each afternoon. The cats accepted me in to the family very quickly. They have that sixth sense about who to trust and when someone else’s cat curls up and goes to sleep in your lap, that is surely the ultimate “I love you” from a cat!
Holiday countdown now: 2 weeks until I go to Portugal.
Happy Monday 🙂