A Night Out in Ermoupoli
This afternoon we will be getting the ferry back to the mainland. Not a high speed service – we’ll be on one of the regular ferries which takes cars, lorries and coaches – so the journey will be about 4.5 hours. A leisurely stroll back to Athens.
Yesterday was our last full day on Syros. The last 2 weeks have gone far too fast for my liking. But hopefully, it will only be another couple of months before I am back in the country. I am thinking of doing a long weekend in Athens sometime in November.

Ermoupoli. Who put that great big cruise ship in the way of my view? I wonder what it would be like to park one of those things…
For our last night, we caught the bus in to Ermoupoli and had a stroll round the shops, had a drink in the main square, and ate at one of the grill houses on the water front.
Like many Greek cities, Ermoupoli really comes alive at night. Much of the main road along the waterfront is car free after 9. Miaouli Square becomes the place to go if you want to go to a bar, or where the local kids go to play their evening football game. (I heard a few people shouting “Πρόσεχε” as the ball crept a little too close to people’s tables).
On the road leading up to the square, there are a couple of ice cream places: Go to the one on the right hand side as you are facing the square – he has an interesting range of flavours and he’ll let you have a little taste before you decide which flavour(s) you want!

Miaouli Square in Ermoupoli
We’ve still got 6 hours before the ferry which is plenty of time for a last swim at the beach, and at the pool, before we had for the city.
Bye for now,